Saturday, August 9, 2008

Consideration and Karma

I don't know why but it always amazes me when people are rude and inconsiderate. Today while running errands I made my usual stop at Starbucks. When driving through a parking lot I always follow the rules. I don't drive recklessly across empty parking spaces and I drive kind of slow: you know the drill- people are bringing groceries to their car, parents are walking through the lot with little children etc. Today some idiot driving a brand new Chrysler 3000 was talking on his cell phone zipping through the lot, driving on the wrong side of the designated aisle. The guy almost hit me and some other lady who was driving a station wagon with children inside. He unceremoniously parks crooked in the handicapped spot in front of Starbucks and then storms into the T-Mobile store. I was so very close to saying something to this a-hole. I somehow contained myself and entered Starbucks- my sanctuary from the crazy world.

The people that work there know me (I'm a regular) and know what I drink: a venti non-fat vanilla latte. As I leave the store lo and behold there is rude man sitting in his car while the driver's side door wide open. A T-mobile employee is trying to explain something to him but he is just yelling at the poor guy. I go home with my latte.This whole rude-guy experience is really bugging me. I flip on the TV and start to read my newspaper. CNN is on. It's my usual background noise of choice when reading.

Christaine Amanpour is interviewing the Dalai Lama.She asks him about the injustice Tibet faces from China. The Dalai Lama is emphatic about peaceful resistance. He explains when someone has wronged you it's important to pray for them. When you do good you will get goodness in return. When you do bad well, you know. That is the whole belief of Buddhism. His simple words immediately struck a cord and I was glad for not yelling at "rude man." Karma will take care of it. I am so glad I turned on the TV.

Check out CNN for the special series Buddha's Warriors

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